Where Fine Arts Meets the Great Outdoors
Think Outside ...
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Think Outside ...
No Box Required
Arizona Arts Academy's instructional program embraces the arts with a personalized outdoor approach to education. Experience this one of a kind learning experiences where children don't just learn, they thrive!
“If we want our children to move mountains,
we first have to let them get out of their chairs.”
~ Nicolette Sowder
Turning visions into reality at every turn AAA provides the necessary tools for children to take their learning into their own hands and every day reach new heights they previously thought were impossible. At AAA we don't just teach our kids what to do, instead we show them who they are and who they can become.
Don't just tell your children about the world.
Show Them!
- Penny Whitehouse
“If we want our children to move mountains,
we first have to let them get out of their chairs.”
~ Nicolette Sowder
With small class sizes, each student can receive the individual attention they need to excel.
Students will learn at their individual level and have access to fine arts programs that will
enhance and enrich their learning experience.
Follow the link below to learn more about Arizona's Empowerment Scholarship Account
Sierra Vista/Hereford Campus
9502 S Highway 92, Hereford, Arizona 85615
Hours: 8:45 am - 3:50 pm - M - Th
Phone: 520-210-5400 - Call or Text
Email: info@azarts.academy
Huachuca City Satellite Campus
106 Howard St., Huachuca City, AZ 85616
Hours: 8:45 am - 3:50 pm - M - Th
Phone: 520-210-5400 - Call or Text
Email: info@azarts.academy
Gila Valley Campus
226 HWY 70, Pima, Arizona 85543
Hours: 8:00 am - 2:45 pm - M - Th
Phone: 928-485-4546 - Call or Text
Email: admin.gv@azarts.academy
Copyright © 2020 Arizona Arts Academy